Yes…autumn is the time of the year for letting go…of buckets of summer sunshine and ripe fruit with sweet dribbling juices and buzzing bees and the shrieking of children splashing in the waves and need I say more. Chania has gone quiet now with the children off to school and […]

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As the summer buzz and dust are washed away by the first rains, I find myself slipping into the quiet pace and beauty of autumn…the rich hues of russet and gold of our vine leaves and the ripening of fruit, sweet and juicy…our pomegranates, apples and oranges. The skies are […]

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When the leaves of the grape vines begin to take on shades of russet and gold and the autumn breezes skitter in, we know it’s time to harvest our cardinal grapes, hanging in heavy bunches of berry red and wine red and sometimes appearing a little cloudy with the first […]

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